smiling while makin’ the mac and cheese
I hope you’re not mad at me
I dont feel sorry for what took place
in a lot of ways i’m teaching you how I like my space
this is different
who wouldve known restriction
.. discipline would be so
your self control.. is sexy
and my patience — may just have stirred up the situation
chess player you with tension you could break through
contemplating on the right-
I sense you ….
feel you wanting to make a move
which one will it be me or you.. regardless ..
i’m not telling you to show all your moves
your self control makes me want to lose control
to gain my mind
bare & aligned
which one will take the lead . It is down to time
If you are my lover stand up be firm gentle and true
express of yourself so I know it’s you.
you can be silent- but you’d still have to make a move
which will come first me or you
- written undeneath a capricorn moon ! ❤