I was on my way to God
Let’s get that straight.
I wasn’t looking for you
this merging space
is supposed to be where destiny takes place
a meeting of honorable harmony
I was on my way to God
and you so happen
to be
in my view.
I am on a mission
so you must have been debfried.
The closer I get the more I see your face
are you in on this ..?
or are these the hands of fate.
me? we’ll I’d not like to know.. as I said before I was on my way to God
and not exactly to explore and merge with another soul
I had put on my trenchcoat in the rain prepared for the way things could go
magic wand on my hip
gin hidden around my neck
lickin salt from my sweat
hat tileted towards the sun
scripts on my back
wand behind my ear
several ways to go
and so each road
I was met with your spirit
growing closer you getting were nearer
and ofcourse I felt ya
I am a feeler
that is no a big revealer
and ofcourse I heard ya
I been listening
But tell me this-
are you in on this?
one for tricks huh?
I am on a mission
but you love showing up.
When im whole your around.
the secrets out I know you’ve been watching you
- admirer